When I was growing up every year, every birthday my mom would say...
"__ years ago today..." and tell me all about the day I was born and how it was the best day and how much she loved me. She would get all sentimental and love on me. Well, I've started doing the same thing with my boys so...
Six years ago today I was going to my weekly doctors appointment 5 days before my due date. I saw Dr. Harris and she immediately sent me over to the hospital. It was time!! My water had broken the day before but I couldn't really tell cause you were blocking it, ready to get out of there! You took your time though. You probably had some anxiety about coming out into a new environment. You are still like that! You arrived the next morning May 24, 2005 at 5:11 am! You were a whooping 8 lbs. 6 oz. and the most beautiful baby I'd ever seen!! After making sure you were healthy and perfect! I immediately tried to figure out who you looked like. Honeywana and Ragan were the 1st to pop into mind but your looks changed a bit from day to day at first. I loved you SO much I couldn't stand it and it's grown more and more everyday! That was by far one of the BEST days of my life!!
I love you SOOO Much, Abram Garrison Medders!
I am so thankful God has blessed me with YOU!
I am so blessed, thankful and honored to be your Mommy!!
And I am so proud of the sweet, thoughtful, caring, loving, smart, handsome boy you are and the little man you are becoming...